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Ulriksdals Värdshus

You will find the beautiful Ulriksdals Värdshus in Solna, only a short distance from Stockholm city - a unique, historic destination surrounded by nature.

Ulriksdals Värdshus history

Ulriksdals Värdshus, in its current form, has existed since 1868, when the house was built at the initiative of Karl XV. Over the years, the building has undergone several renovations. The latest addition, "Queen Silvia's Pavilion", was inaugurated by Her Majesty the Queen on May 15, 1987.


Since 1868, 11 different restaurateurs have taken care of Ulriksdals Värdshus and the surrounding land. Svenska Brasserier, of which restaurant Emmer is a part, took over the lease in 2016. In 2020, we opened Emmer with the vision of creating a culinary experience of the future – one which is in harmony with animals and nature. For us, sustainability is the key word.

Restaurant Emmer at Ulriksdals Värdshus

At restaurant Emmer, we have a vision of offering delicious, inspiring, locally grown, and sustainable food in a calm and nature-forward environment.


Ulriksdals Värdshus is a perfect place to bring that vision to life. We have large, lovely rooms with expansive windows that let in a lot of light and provide the opportunity to look out over the unique landscape. Here you can enjoy new flavors and experiences in a historic environment. We plant what grows best for the season and serve what is harvested for the day. Some vegetables and herbs you eat here have not been out of the ground for more than a few hours.

The farm

To our great joy, there are 1.5 hectares of land that belong to Ulriksdals Värdshus. We take full advantage of this space! Did you know that we also have our own beekeeping? Most of the harvest ends up on your plate when you eat with us. Some also goes to our sister restaurants; Sturehof, Sturehof Matmarknad, Riche, Teatergrillen, Taverna Brillo, AIRA and Luzette.


Read more about our land cultivation practices here. Or even better, come visit us and take a walk in the garden and the farm. We are happy to tell you about our work.

Find Emmer

Getting here is quick and easy. Take the metro to Bergshamra and then take a short walk through a beautiful forest area. Or perhaps you would prefer to cycle here? And of course, we also have plenty of parking for our guests.